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false robust conehead

Neoconocephalus bivocatus Walker, Whitesell, Alexander 1973

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map green male green male brown male
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green male pronotum cones stridulatory area
20 s of calling song, male from Ocean County, N.J., 24.3°C. Peak frequency 9 kHz. (WTL189-8)
This waveform is a 5 s excerpt of the 20 s audio file accessible above. Click on waveform to expand last
0.2 s.
Song: A loud, even, continuous buzz.
Song data: Excel worksheet and chart (from spectrographic analyses).
Identification: Length 49–68 mm. Cone immaculate beneath or with transverse black mark near top. Ovipositor longer than 1.2 times length of hind femur. Width of stridulatory area (as measured in drawing above) less than 4.9 mm. Male pronotal length less than 1.8 times rear width.
Similar species: N. robustus has the ovipositor less than 1.2 times as long as the hind femur, width of stridulatory area more than 4.9 mm. N. velox has the ovipositor shorter than the hind femur, male pronotal length greater than 1.8 times rear width. N. palustris is smaller and has the ovipositor shorter than the hind femur.
Habitat: Roadsides, old fields, and pastures in well-drained and upland areas.
Season: Sept. Matures about two weeks prior to the Neoconocephalus robustus.
More information:
Subfamily Copiphorinae, genus Neoconocephalus.
References: Walker et al. 1974, Deily and Schul 2004.
Nomenclature: OSF (Orthoptera Species File Online).
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