(Note: Monroe County, Florida, includes the southwest portion of the tip of mainland Florida and the upper and lower keys. These three parts of that county are mapped separately in the "dot maps" but not in the computer-generated distribution maps, which are strictly at the county level.)
Records added from 2018 to present: sinarecords2018miogryllussaussurei.pdf.
These records will continue to be updated as new records are added.
Records from tblMain: sinarecordstblmainmiogryllussaussurei.pdf.
These records come from tblmain.xlsx, a spreadsheet created and maintained by Tom Walker. He archived the spreadsheet in 2016. You can download a copy of the original and complete xlsx file of tblMain at the Tables from the GrylTett database page. There will be no updates to this file.
Creating the PDF File
Only those records for Miogryllus saussurei were extracted from tblmain.xlsx and copied into the pdf file. Minor formatting changes were made:
• Abbreviations in the titles were spelled out for greater clarity.
• Only those columns that are pertinent to understanding the distribution of this species as seen on the above map were included.
• Font size and type and some alignments were changed and data was sorted in the following order: Date Added (to SINA), Country, State, and County.