Texas tree cricket—except for differences in the calling song and distribution ???
Shrubby vegetation and low trees.
Late May to November in s. Arizona; August until frost in Oregon; one generation annually in most, if not all, of range.
The crickets above that are labeled pictipennis are like those described by Morgan Hebard (1935) as the subspecies Oecanthus californicus pictipennis. The taxonomic status of these crickets is uncertain, but it seems likely that pictipennis will prove to be specifically distinct from californicus. This is because pictipennis does not conform to the usual concept of subspecies (geographic race). Individuals of the typical, all-dusky-green coloration occur in some of the same geographic areas as the pictipennis coloration. Tree crickets of the pictipennis coloration occur only on juniper and pinyon pine, where, as the pictures demonstrate, their coloration makes them less conspicuous.