Following our initial announcement, we are thrilled to share further details about the upcoming 15th International Congress of Orthopterology (ICO2026) taking place on March 8-12, 2026 in Patagonia at the town of San Martín de Los Andes, Neuquén Province, Argentina:
1) Important dates to save:
-March 17th to May 1st, 2025: Call for symposium and workshop proposals
-April 14th, 2025: Announcement of plenary speakers
-May 2nd to September 12th, 2025: Call for early bird registration and abstract submissions
2) Congress format: scheduled to be an in-person meeting, the Congress will include plenary conferences, symposia, workshops, oral presentations, and posters.
3) Call for contributions: is now open for symposium and workshop proposals
4) Social media launch: follow ICO2026 on LinkedIn, Instagram, and Facebook
Detailed information on the venues, Congress format and thematic areas, calls and deadlines, and travel information are available at the website of the event.
We look forward to your contributions and to seeing you in San Martín de Los Andes in March of 2026!
Maria Marta Cigliano, President, ICO 2026, CONICET
Héctor Medina, Vice-President, ICO 2026, SENASA
Axel Hochkirch, President, Orthopterists’ Society