Jago’s Grasshoppers of East and North East Africa Vol. 4 Now Available!

In volume 4 of the handbook series of “Jago’s Grasshoppers and Locusts of East and North-East Africa” the Acridinae subfamilies Euryphyminae, Cyrtacanthacridinae, and Oedipodinae are treated. The book has 232 pages and is fully illustrated with many of the species shown alive for the first time. For most of thoseContinue readingJago’s Grasshoppers of East and North East Africa Vol. 4 Now Available!

SINA Has A New Home!

Good news! The incredible Singing Insects of North America (SINA) site officially has a new home as part of the Orthopterists’ Society website. The transition has been in process for many months and is complete at last! Please update your bookmarks to: https://orthsoc.org/sina/

New Book Published! Encyclopedia of Pest Orthoptera of the World

A new book on Orthoptera has just been published!   LECOQ M., ZHANG L. (Sc. Ed.), 2019. Encyclopedia of Pest Orthoptera of the World. China Agricultural University Press, Beijing. 311 p.  ISBN: 978-7-5655-2232-1 This encyclopedia covers the main Orthoptera species–locusts, grasshoppers and crickets–considered as important pests of crops and pasture worldwide. SomeContinue readingNew Book Published! Encyclopedia of Pest Orthoptera of the World

Orthoptera Species File Grants Funded for 2020

The Orthoptera Species File grants committee received and evaluated 14 proposals by applicants from 14 countries for 2020: Algeria, Argentina, Austria, Brazil, Bulgaria, China, Croatia, France, Germany, India, the Netherlands, Pakistan, Tunisia, and the USA. Of these, the 10 proposals listed below will be funded. They have been selected basedContinue readingOrthoptera Species File Grants Funded for 2020

New Book Soon to be Released: Insects of the World – Subscribe Now!

“Dear Colleagues, I am pleased to announce the launch of the subscription to a landmark book in the field of entomology: Insects of the World Biodiversity, classification, keys to determine families This book – in French and coordinated by Henri-Pierre Aberlenc, from CIRAD, Montpellier, France – is the work ofContinue readingNew Book Soon to be Released: Insects of the World – Subscribe Now!

Registration Open for 3rd European Congress on Orthoptera Conservation

“Dear Conservationists, Grasshopperfriends and Naturelovers The registration for the third European Congress on Orthoptera Conservation (ECOCIII) which will be held in Leiden, the Netherlands from 19-21 march 2020 is now open and can be found following this link. Registration ends at February 5, 2020.  In case of questions please do not hesitate toContinue readingRegistration Open for 3rd European Congress on Orthoptera Conservation