Update on Rebuilding Brazil’s National Museum’s Orthoptera Collection & How to Donate to the Cause

Progress to rebuild Brazil’s National Museum (Museu Nacional) is still in the very early stages and the Palace section, where the Orthoptera collection resided, is being treated as an archaeological site. Practically all museum staff are working steadily on recovering the few items that survived the fire and removing theContinue readingUpdate on Rebuilding Brazil’s National Museum’s Orthoptera Collection & How to Donate to the Cause

Orthopterists’ Society Congress Travel Grants Funded for ICO Morocco in 2019

The Orthopterists’ Society received 33 applications from 18 countries for Travel Grants to the 13th International Congress of Orthopterology (ICO) in Morocco (March 24-28, 2019). The proposals were selected based on the nature and quality of the proposal and the resulting contribution to the Congress. After a very difficult selectionContinue readingOrthopterists’ Society Congress Travel Grants Funded for ICO Morocco in 2019

Orthoptera Species File Grants Funded for 2019

The Orthoptera Species File grants committee received 18 applications from 13 countries (Algeria, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Brazil, Colombia, Germany, India, Pakistan, Singapore, Spain, Tunisia, and the United States) from which the following proposals were funded (listed below). The proposals were selected based on the amount of data (images, specimen records,Continue readingOrthoptera Species File Grants Funded for 2019