We’re an international organization dedicated to connecting people interested in Orthoptera (grasshoppers, crickets, katydids, etc.) and the other 9 insect orders that comprise Polyneoptera (“orthopteroids”): Blattodea (+Isoptera), Dermaptera, Embioptera, Grylloblattodea, Mantodea, Mantophasmatodea, Phasmida, Plecoptera, and Zoraptera.
Latest News
Orthoptera Species Files Grants Funded for 2022
Grants Supporting the Orthoptera Species File By the end of 2021 the OSF grants committee received and evaluated 13 proposals by applicants from eight countries: Austria, Brazil, Croatia, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, and the U.S.A. The eight proposals listed below from four countries were funded and were selected based on
2022 Orthoptera Species File Grants Available! Application Deadline November 15, 2021
2022 grant opportunities are now available for the Orthoptera Species File! The application deadline is November 15, 2021. Please follow this link for instructions on how to apply. Requirement: you must be a member of the Orthopterists’ Society to apply. Find more grant and award opportunities here.
New Metaleptea Issue: 41(3)!
The latest issue of Metaleptea (Vol. 41, Issue 3) has been published! You can read it here.
New Journal of Orthoptera Research Issue: 30(1)!
The latest issue of the Journal of Orthoptera Research (Vol. 30, Issue 1) has been published. You can read it here.
New Metaleptea Issue: 41(2)!
The latest issue of Metaleptea (Vol. 41, Issue 2) has been published. You can read it here.
Orthoptera Species Files Grants Funded for 2021
Grants Supporting the Orthoptera Species File The OSF grants committee received and evaluated 10 proposals by applicants from eight countries: Brazil, Cameroon, Colombia, Croatia, Germany, India, Pakistan, and South Africa. The four proposals listed below were funded. They have been selected based on the amount of data (images, specimen records,
New Book Published: A Field Guide to the Bushcrickets, Wetas and Raspy Crickets of Tanzania and Kenya
A Field Guide to the Bushcrickets, Wetas and Raspy Crickets of Tanzania and Kenya by Claudia Hemp, with contributions from: Andreas Hemp; Klaus-Gerhard Heller. Please see the publisher’s page for more information: Schweizerbart Science Publishing. To order, contact mail@schweizerbart.de – the price is 54.90 Euro, but only 27.45 Euro for Orthopterists’
New Metaleptea Issue: 41(1)!
The latest issue of Metaleptea (Vol. 41, Issue 1) has been published. You can read it here.
2021 Orthoptera Species File Grants Available! Application Deadline February 28, 2021
New 2021 grant opportunities are available for the Orthoptera Species File! The application deadline is February 28, 2021. Please follow this link for instructions on how to apply. Requirement: you must be a member of the Orthopterists’ Society to apply. Find more grant and award opportunities here.
2021 Theodore J. Cohn Research Fund Applications Due March 31, 2021!
Students and Postdoctorate members of our society – applications for the 2021 Theodore J. Cohn Research Fund are due by March 31, 2021 – please visit the TJC Research Fund page to learn more. You can’t get one if you don’t apply!!!
Encyclopedia of Pest Orthoptera of the World Book Now Shipping Worldwide
http://orthsoc.org/publications/books/ Encyclopedia of Pest Orthoptera of the World (2019, 311 pp.) by Michel Lecoq and Long Zhang (Sc. Ed.) from China Agricultural University Press, Beijing. ISBN: 978-7-5655-2232-1. This encyclopedia covers the main Orthoptera species–locusts, grasshoppers and crickets–considered as important pests of crops and pasture worldwide. Some of these species are invasive at a
New Metaleptea Issue: 40(3)!
The latest issue of Metaleptea (Vol. 40, Issue 3) has been published. You can read it here.