Event recorder displays of the timing of pulses in the calling song at 24.4°C (from WTL672-4a).
Each vertical mark or open rectangle represents one pulse. A) 75 s of calling.
B) The 2nd sequence in A. C) The terminal 40 pulses of the 2nd sequence. D) The terminal 9 pulses of the 2nd sequence. (Fig. 4,
Walker 1977.)
Song at 25°C:
A musical, irregular tink, tink, tink that speeds up and becomes a trill of ca. 14 p/s. Each such sequence lasts 8-20 sec., with the carrier frequency gradually increasing by several hundred Hertz. Courtship singing resembles calling except that the tinks are more irregular and no trills are produced.
Length 15–19 mm. Forewings covering less than two-thirds of abdomen; length of forewings generally more than 2.3 (males) or 2.2 (females) times medial length of pronotum. Stridulatory file with more than 70 teeth, 1.5 to 1.8 mm long.
Similar species:
Short-winged bush cricket—wings shorter; fewer than 70 teeth in stridulatory file; no calling song.
On grass and shrubby undergrowth, especially in pinewoods and in sawgrass marshes.
This and the preceding species are closely related. They have not been found together, but specimens of the two collected 50 miles apart maintain their distinctive features.
More information:
Subfamily Eneopterinae, genus Hapithus.
Walker 1977.
OSF (Orthoptera Species File Online).